TCSA Board Members

The Colony Softball Association and its Board of Directors invites you to contact us with any questions, concerns, or suggestions. We appreciate your feedback. Our ambition is to provide the best environment and promote individual growth through teamwork and participation. This is a non-profit organization completely dependent upon volunteers. Please let us know if you or your organization is interested in volunteering time or financial support. 

Todd Coleman


Sara Coleman


Mondaa Grigsby

Vice President

Michael Warrum

Umpires Director

Kory Blanco

Coaches Agent

Kory Blanco

Players Agent

Jonathon Skinkle

Social Media Director

Lindsay Ellis

Public Relations Director

Kory Blanco

Equipment Director

Want to help lead TCSA?

TCSA is formed of community volunteers that assist with the coordination and success of the Blastball and Softball programs. Board meetings are held throughout the year and will be noted on the calendar for TCSA. Positions are voted on and filled every year in August. Time commitments vary by positions.  

Positions within the organization are listed under the About section. To inquire about any positions, please email the President or join any meeting.

Current Open Positions:

Currently no positions are open.

2020 TCSA ByLaws

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